Monday, January 19, 2009

A Free Day and Wedding Details

Good morning! I hope that you have the day off to enjoy but as this is the first company I have worked for that is giving us the day off, I am sure many of you have to work today.

This morning I knew I wanted oatmeal but not the typical hot bowl. I decided to go with an oatmeal pancake- something I haven't had in a long time. Of course I didn't have all the ingredients, but decided to just wing it.

  • 1/3 cup old fashioned oats
  • 1 egg- I decided to use the whole thing for extra fat and protein
  • 1/3 thinly sliced banana
  • cooking spray
  • Icing= 2 tbsp nonfat yogurt with a sprinkle of cocoa powder and brown sugar

With mocha (hot cocoa mixed with coffee):

Today my plans are not set but I am going to try to accomplish some wedding tasks, get organized, and perhaps some cooking and baking. I am going to hit the gym soon for a light impact workout as my foot is hurting a bit on the outside- this is definitely new for me so I'm not going to push it.

Wedding Details
This weekend was a big one for us since the future hubby got his ring and I went to get my engagement ring checked. It's times like this that makes this whole thing a reality. It makes me really happy and excited to look forward to our future together. Here are our rings (you can guess which one is mine and which is his!):

Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful ring!! How exciting!!

Heidi Leon Monges said...

beauuuuutiful ring girl!! COngratulations ;-)

Yelena said...

Thank you, thank you!