Thursday, November 19, 2009

I'm Still Kickin'

Hey Kids!  I've been MIA because my work has been trying to kill me.  After 2 days of at least 12 hours each, a lot of coffee, a lot of crappy food, and thinking that it was dinner time at 3:30 since I had been up since 5, I'm done with my portion of it!  I decided not to blog during that time because my postings would have been toxic and nobody needs that! Happy Dance!

I'll be back with regular posting, but I wanted to give a shout to  She's having her first, awesome giveaway!  Please visit her, but don't enter since I want to win!

Today is also Vegan Thursday being hosted by and !  I'm giving it a shot today since I unintentionally eat veggie most of the time during the week and need to get in some good veggies today after not taking good care of myself for the last 2 days!
I have no food to show you, but I leave you with my recent favorite picture of the Notorious B.E.N. eating the cupcakes he helped bake and I feel the whole world needs to see.

Hope you are having a fabulous Thursday!

1 comment:

Jolene - EverydayFoodie said...

What a cutie!

I look forward to having you back soon in full force!!