Wednesday, January 2, 2013

6 Months!

So, it's almost time for a 7 month update, but here is Levi's 6 month stats and update:

Levi was 19.75 lbs and 26.5 inches tall at his 6 month appointment. He is still holding strong at 90th percentile for weight and around 75th percentile for height. He has reached all his 6 month milestones and mama and papa are just so proud and thankful for our healthy boy.

Favorite Things to Do:
Levi is such a happy little boy! He loves playing peek-a-boo, jumping in his jumperoo, grabbing our faces, playing with all his grandparents, and squealing. He has a delightful high pitched squeal!

Levi rolled over on December 1 and did it again a few days after! He gets the most excited look on his face when it happens! Levi also celebrated his first holiday season with us!

Eating and Sleeping:
Levi started solids after his 6 month appointment! He is a fan of real food more than baby mush. We keep trying, but so far he has hated carrot puree and yelled at me when I gave him oatmeal. Levi prefers my bread, small pieces of boiled baked potato, veggie soup, and even rice.  He is still drinking lots of milk and lets me know when he is hungry!  
I have been doing some more research on feeding the little man and found these sites very interesting (family members- feel free to read these):

Little bear, Levchik, dino baby


Every month I say it is my favorite month. It's because life gets better and better with our sweet little boy by our side.

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