Thursday, June 24, 2010

I Like Expensive Things

Hi Guys!  I hope you are having a great Thursday!  I'm traveling from beautiful California to Indianapolis today, and as of now, I've been on my journey for 13 hours.  I'm hanging out in O'Hare airport and have already had a few adventures so I thought I would pop in like the uninvited guest that I can be. 

When I have to eat lunch by myself, I often make poor choices.  Like ridiculously poor choices.  Not in a bad nutritional way, but I just can't order on the spot and always get something unsatisfying.  Today I got a whole grain veggie bagel sandwich that tastes so plain it resembled eating Wonderbread with onion.  I've never actually had that combo, but that's my best guess of what it was.  Yummy, huh?  So I decided to treat myself to some chocolate from the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory.

Innocently enough, I decided to try the Iced Cappuccino and Mocha Valencia truffles.  They were delicious.

They were also $22 a pound, making this a very expensive treat.  I didn't get a whole pound because that would be greedy, but these two guys set me back $6.  NUTS!  I could have bought caviar or the truffles that pigs in France have to sniff out to find.  But for now, chocolate will have to do- and it was fabulous!

Question for you:  Do you have expensive taste? 
Unfortunately, I do for big purchases like jewelery (sorry, husband).  Otherwise, send me to Target and I'm happy!


Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg said...

I'm the same way-- I love expensive jewelry (ha, sorry hubs!), but I can go really cheap on a lot of other stuff like shoes, bags, clothes etc.

Have fun in Indy! I went to grad school at Purdue, about 45 mintues away, and going to Indy was always a treat (mainly because of Trader Joes).

Jessica @ How Sweet said...

I don't even think the word expensive begins to explain my taste. I feel for my husband.

Gabriela said...

Rocky Mountain Chocolate Company is seriously amazing- there was one in Park City when I went this winter, and the BF and I totally inhaled pounds of it! I have expensive taste for dad always jokes that I can find the most expensive thing in any store and fall in love with it. It's a skill :)

Lindsay @ said...

I have an expensive food habit that's for sure! :)

Mo Diva said...

if i would have taken a bite and then found out said truffles were $22 a pound i would have spit them out LOL. jk i would have eaten them verrrry slooowly.
i have expensive taste tahts why im not allowed to shop. :-)

Faith @ LovelyAsCharged said...

I definitely have expensive taste in clothing and shoes (although I NEVER pay full price), and makeup.

Have fun in Indy! Love on my Colts for me while you're there!

ME said...

Looks AMAZING!!!!

Jolene - EverydayFoodie said...

Unfortunately I have expensive taste when it comes to food and clothes ... ah well - we only live once!

Mari said...

ohhhhh so that's the famous $22 chocolate!?! lol

Gina; The Candid RD said...

haha, jewelry, I WISH I had expensive taste for jewelry! I barely have any, and I'm just not that into it I guess. I spend my money on good food (chocolates count!) and my hair (you understand that one....). I also love shoes :)

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty cheap on most things, but there are a few like jewelry that I have expensive taste for!

Ameena said...

I like expensive things too! Unfortunately my husband likes them even more.

I need to try Rocky Mountain Chocolate because those look amazing!