Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Still a Blogger

I think I may have um...forgotten about blogging.  I was under the false impression that this was a slow time for me given it's summer and all.  I guess I'm wrong but I have still been enjoying the season as much as I can being an adult and such.  Even if I'm not around on a daily basis I'm still a food blogger deep down.

Even if I can't run miles, I can still walk on the trail by my house as my body recovers.
Even if I don't buy 100% organic, I can get excited about our first pesticide-free tomato harvest.

 Even when I don't post my daily meals, I'm still eating hummus and fresh veggies like it's my job. I'm also eating frozen yogurt and chocolate because they are awesome.
Even when I'm not posting daily workouts or race recaps, I am out taking awesome hikes and am grateful that I can wear shoes!
Even if I'm not next to the computer on weekends, I'm out enjoying nature on my first REAL camping trip.
Even if I'm not looking my best or glamorous in pictures, I'm quite happy with life and learning to be content with myself.
Question for you: What are you doing when the blogosphere isn't watching?
I'll be back with regular nonsense on a more regular basis.  I miss my blog friends and hope everyone is enjoying this warm weather!


kalin said...

when the bloggosphere isn't looking? drinking iced coffee like it's my job. and taking too many naps.

Jolene - EverydayFoodie said...

When the bloggosphere isn't looking I am drinking red wine and reading celebrity magazines :-)

Anonymous said...

Loved your post today...makes you realize that even when you're not being "perfect" you are still doing pretty damn good. Good for you!

jessica @ How Sweet said...

Those sights are gorgeous! I wish I could hike around here... and when the blogs aren't looking I'm drinking margaritas. Like, a lot of them.

Tina said...

My life is just the same as what is presented on the blog in real life. Usually if I'm not on the computer though, I'm acting like a fool with my 2 year old.

Anonymous said...

LOVED this post!! When the bloggosphere isn't looking, I'm sitting on the couch being a huge bum....and I kinda like it!

Mo Diva said...

i miss ya!!!

love the tomato. gorgeous color!

you look soo cute!

when bloggosphere isnt looking? I moon them.
or i take spoonfuls of dark chocolate dreams and lick it like a lollipop in my jammies

Amanda (Two Boos Who Eat) said...

I want to go camping! Looks like so much fun.

Um...I am totally eating Ben & Jerry's Phish food when the blog isn't looking haha!

Katie ♥ said...

I MISSED you!!!!!!!

Yay for just enjoying life! Love this post! Camping is so fun! I bet you and hubby had a great time, did you make smores??!!! I hope so , because that is a camping staple in my eyes!!

When the blogsphere isn't watching , Im enjoying life and all it has to offer, enjoying my time with my fiance and son, and just enjoying this wonderful world we live in! love u!

Lindsay @ http://pancakesnpajamas.blogspot.com/ said...

When the bloggosphere isn't looking I'm watching reality TV and eating ice-cream!

Mari said...

this post made me smile!