Tuesday, October 20, 2009

He Wins!

Happy Tuesday night!  I was going to share my dinner with you, but mine was so ugly and way too random, that I shared the husband's instead.  And those are his man hands, not mine.  Mine are way nicer.

We walked into the house and I asked him what he wanted for dinner and the answer was "Fish Sandwich."  Who asks for a fish sandwich?

Anyways, I went with it and here is what went in it:
  • Broiled dover sole filet
  • 2 slices of Nature's Pride bread
  • Lettuce
  • Tomato
  • Onion
  • Bell peppers
  • Sweet Chili Sauce
  • 2 slices of melted cheddar cheese
He finished his dinner and polished off the remaining bag of cashews.  OK, I helped too!  I desperately need to take a shower and get to bed since I am going to work early tomorrow.

Oh- and since I looked at my list, I decided that I was a little too negative on my honesty award answers, so here are a few facts that are a little more fun, yet honest:
  • I have musical Turrets- this means I burst into random song at any given time
  • I speak 2.5 languages (Russian and English, and a little Spanglish)
  • I pretend like I'm 2 when I see my nephew and I don't care
  • My friends call me 'mother'- I still don't remember why
  • I love people watching more than most activities.  Riding public transportation is a blast for people like me!
P.S. Next time you raid the office candy stash for a pre-workout snack, remember that 2 mini Snickers bars will make you nearly sprint on the treadmill for about 10 minutes...I'm just sayin'


Mari said...

I love to people watch too =) this is a great pass time in NY lol.

Yums that sammie looks delish!

Beth @ DiningAndDishing said...

haha - 2 mini snickers for a pre-workout snack?? i am liking the sound of that!!

Anonymous said...

That's way too funny! My husband is known for asking for weird things too!

Allison (Balance in Bites) said...

People watching is waaaay too much fun.

Also, I don't know why I haven't put you on my blogroll yet! I fixed that about 10 minutes ago. Just fyi =D

Graze With Me said...

I'm huge on people watching as well. My husband gets mad because he takes me to hockey/baseball/football games and all I do is watch the crowd. :)