Monday, October 5, 2009

Making Tomorrow's Lunch

Hope your weekend was all kinds of wonderful! I spent it with the people I love and even got some stuff done around the house. This is my last day of 'vacation' before the torture of grad school starts back up again.

This weekend we celebrated my dad's birthday and ended up going home with some awesome foods from my parents' house. I have to say that we have two wonderful sets of parents and they are overly generous. My mom, however, thinks that we will starve to death and they are always sending us home with special treats. We ended up with some shrimp, seaweed salad, a piece of cake, and the thing I am most excited about- pomegranates! I love fall fruits and these babies make me super excited!

Another great part of being at my parents' house was getting to play with our nephew. He is growing up so fast and is so interactive now. Yesterday was my first day lifting at the gym and I should have probably skipped it since my nephew had other plans for me! We ran around the house, he had me pick him up to jump, and I was a human vehicle for little Ben. I think I was also way more excited than he was, but here are some highlights from the evening:

Tonight we watched Amazing Race and ate dinner. I was also able to turn leftovers into tomorrow's lunch:

Mixed greens with sprouts, cucumbers, tomato, and a leftover stuffed bell pepper (spinach, ricotta, goat cheese, and garlic)

I also wanted to show you a new product (for me) from Trader Joe's. This mixed olive bruschetta is great for olive lovers like my hubby. It also has sundried tomatoes and olive oil and would be great in sandwiches or on top of crispy bread.

That's all I've got!


Naomi(Onefitfoodie) said...

yum that mixed olive spread looks great!!! that would be awesome on a wrap or sandwich :)

thanks for visiting my blog :)

cute pics!!

Abby said...

Looks like a fun day! Your salad looks delish by the way. What a super lunch :)

Mari said...

Wow he is getting so big! I love his hair =)

I am glad ya'll had a great time...and I love when my parents give me free food too

Beth @ DiningAndDishing said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your nephew is adorable :O)