Sunday, November 7, 2010

Who Is One Healthy Apple?

I was so honored to meet some wonderful ladies and gentlemen this weekend at the 2nd Annual Foodbuzz Festival.  I originally posted this for the Project Foodbuzz contest and I hope that anyone I awkwardly smiled at or exchanged a few words with will stick around to read my blog.  I am proud to have a creative outlet to share with others and I was humbled by the talent and dedication of many of the kind and down to earth bloggers I met at the festival.  I'll be back for a recap soon, but for now- here is a little bit about me.

This blog appropriately started out almost two years ago as a way to document a new stage of my life- engagement, graduate school, and a new home.
However, I was not always this serious.  In fact, my humble beginnings have helped me appreciate all that I have now as well as all of the opportunities I have been given in life.
As a girl of former Soviet Union origins, I have learned from past generations what it was like to not have enough food.  I was thrilled with the abundance of flavorful, nutritious food available to me when we moved here and continue to take full advantage of it.
I appreciate the fresh produce my husband grows in our small garden

Just as much as I love a good, quality chocolate
I love to make a great presentation in my meals
And will tell you the frozen yogurt wins at life- always
I truly love working up an appetite through exercise in the form of hiking
And seeing the world
And I truly believe the best memories are made sharing food with family at the dining room table
This blog will show you that life is all about healthy, nutritious food.  Being healthy doesn't have to be boring, time consuming, or expensive.

And maintaining a healthy lifestyle is easy- one apple at a time.


Anonymous said...

Aww - a great introduction to you!

Rachael Hutchings said...

Great post! I love how it gives us a wonderful snapshot of who you are as a blogger. Good luck in the contest!

Amanda (Two Boos Who Eat) said...

I love all of these pictures. Especially you with the apples. LOVE!

suki @ [Super Duper Fantastic] said...

:) Great intro! I want to learn about this garden of yours. I'm trying to make one in my place too, but it'll probably be awhile before we actually get anything in the ground.

Jolene - EverydayFoodie said...

I love this intro! Good luck in the project food blog contest!

Anonymous said...

Love this post!

stephchows said...


Katie ♥ said...

awwwwwww you did such great job with your first entry!!!! It really shows what an awesome, sweet, and healthy food loving girl you are!

Love the pics with you and apples! So perfect!!!!

Wish you all the luck! love u!

RunEatRepeat said...

Very cute. Where were you hiking? It looks gorgeous!

Biz said...

So jealous you attended FoodBuzz and got to meet so many food bloggers - maybe next year I can swing it!

Andy said...

It was totally awesome meeting you/sharing a meal with you. You are your husband are pretty adorable(is it ok for me to say another couple is adorable?). And it was cool seeing this post, because I sort of suck as a blogger. I will suck less now.

Mari said...

Awwww I loved this post!!!!!! and the apple pictures are perfect for you =)

Heart you chickie!!!

Jennifer said...

Serving the food in a wine glass is such a clever idea! I might have to steal that one :)